Lesson 21 Latin for Lawyers, Judges and Notaries Public
Latin Lesson 21: ipse, ipsa, ipsum (himself, herself, itself)
Part A (Interleaved English and Latin Text)
21.1 Iūdex judge ipse himself rem matter cognōscit investigates
21.2 Lēgātus ambassador ipsīus of himself auctōritāte by authority pācem peace facit makes
21.3 Senātōrēs senators ipsī themselves lēgēs laws scrībunt write
21.4 Ad to ipsum himself imperatōrem emperor causam case dēfert brings
21.5 Testis witness ipsam herself vēritātem truth dīcit tells
21.6 Praetor praetor ipsō by himself iūre by law decernit decides
21.7 In in ipsā itself cūriā senate house senātūs senate convenit meets
21.8 Ipsī themselves cōnsulēs consuls edictum edict prōmulgant publish
21.9 Magistrātus magistrate ipsum itself crīmen crime exāminat examines
21.10 Ipsīs to themselves cīvibus citizens iūra rights dantur are given
21.11 Ex from ipsō itself senātūs of senate cōnsultō decree potestātem power habet has
21.12 Scrība scribe ipsa herself verba words lēgis of law recitat recites
21.13 Ipsōrum of themselves iūdicum of judges sententiā by opinion damnātur is condemned
21.14 Ipsās themselves tabellās tablets testāmentī of will īnspicit inspects
21.15 In in ipsīs themselves aedibus buildings iūris of law studiōsī students disputant debate
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Part B (Complete Natural Sentences)
21.1 Iūdex ipse rem cognōscit. The judge himself investigates the matter.
21.2 Auctōritāte ipsīus lēgātus pācem facit. By his own authority the ambassador makes peace.
21.3 Lēgēs senātōrēs ipsī scrībunt. The senators themselves write the laws.
21.4 Ad ipsum imperatōrem causam dēfert. He brings the case to the emperor himself.
21.5 Ipsam vēritātem testis dīcit. The witness tells the truth itself.
21.6 Ipsō iūre praetor decernit. The praetor decides by the law itself.
21.7 In ipsā cūriā senātūs convenit. The senate meets in the senate house itself.
21.8 Edictum ipsī cōnsulēs prōmulgant. The consuls themselves publish the edict.
21.9 Ipsum crīmen magistrātus exāminat. The magistrate examines the crime itself.
21.10 Ipsīs cīvibus iūra dantur. Rights are given to the citizens themselves.
21.11 Ex ipsō senātūs cōnsultō potestātem habet. He has power from the senate decree itself.
21.12 Ipsa verba lēgis scrība recitat. The scribe recites the actual words of the law.
21.13 Ipsōrum iūdicum sententiā damnātur. He is condemned by the opinion of the judges themselves.
21.14 Ipsās tabellās testāmentī īnspicit. He inspects the actual tablets of the will.
21.15 In ipsīs aedibus iūris studiōsī disputant. Law students debate in the buildings themselves.
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Part C (Latin Text Only)
21.1 Iūdex ipse rem cognōscit.
21.2 Auctōritāte ipsīus lēgātus pācem facit.
21.3 Lēgēs senātōrēs ipsī scrībunt.
21.4 Ad ipsum imperatōrem causam dēfert.
21.5 Ipsam vēritātem testis dīcit.
21.6 Ipsō iūre praetor decernit.
21.7 In ipsā cūriā senātūs convenit.
21.8 Edictum ipsī cōnsulēs prōmulgant.
21.9 Ipsum crīmen magistrātus exāminat.
21.10 Ipsīs cīvibus iūra dantur.
21.11 Ex ipsō senātūs cōnsultō potestātem habet.
21.12 Ipsa verba lēgis scrība recitat.
21.13 Ipsōrum iūdicum sententiā damnātur.
21.14 Ipsās tabellās testāmentī īnspicit.
21.15 In ipsīs aedibus iūris studiōsī disputant.
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Part D (Grammar Explanation)
The intensive pronoun "ipse" is essential in legal Latin for emphasizing agency and identity. For English speakers, understanding its use requires attention to several key points:
Declines like a first/second declension adjective
Masculine: ipse, ipsum, ipsīus, ipsī, ipsō
Feminine: ipsa, ipsam, ipsīus, ipsī, ipsā
Neuter: ipsum, ipsum, ipsīus, ipsī, ipsō
Usage in Legal Contexts:
Emphasizes personal action: "iūdex ipse" (the judge himself)
Indicates direct authority: "ipsō iūre" (by the law itself)
Marks official documents: "ipsae tabellae" (the actual documents)
Common Legal Phrases:
ipsō factō = by the fact itself
ipsō iūre = by operation of law
ex ipsā lēge = from the law itself
Word Order:
Usually follows the word it intensifies
Can precede for special emphasis
Often near sentence beginning in legal pronouncements
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Part E (Cultural Context)
For English speakers, understanding "ipse" in Roman legal culture requires consideration of:
Legal Authority:
Personal presence mattered in Roman law
Direct testimony valued over hearsay
Official acts required proper authority
Documentary Practice:
Original documents had special status
Copies needed authentication
Physical presence of documents important
Procedural Emphasis:
Direct witnessing of acts
Personal appearance in court
Authority of magistrates
Modern Relevance:
Still used in legal Latin
Important in notarial phrases
Found in legal principles
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Part F (Literary Citation)
From Cicero's "Pro Cluentio" (53.147):
Part F-A (Interleaved Text)
Ipse himself porrō moreover Staienus Staienus paulō a little ante before Bulbō to Bulbus iūdicī judge ferēbat was bringing pecūniam money, quod because eius his fidē trust maximē especially utēbātur he was using.
Part F-B (Complete Text and Translation)
"Ipse porrō Staienus paulō ante Bulbō iūdicī ferēbat pecūniam, quod eius fidē maximē utēbātur."
Moreover, Staienus himself was bringing money to the judge Bulbus a little while before, because he was especially relying on his trustworthiness.
Part F-C (Analysis)
This passage illustrates:
Use of "ipse" for emphasis
Legal context of bribery
Importance of personal trust
Role of judges in Rome
Part F-D (Grammar Notes)
"ipse" nominative emphasizing subject
Historical imperfect tense
Causal clause with "quod"
Ablative of means with "fidē"
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Genre Section: Legal Testament
Part A (Interleaved Text)
21.16 Testātor testator ipse himself testāmentum will scrībit writes et and signat seals
21.17 Ipsum itself sigillum seal testēs witnesses quīnque five recognōscunt recognize
21.18 Ipsa herself mātrōna matron hērēdem heir fīlium son īnstituit appoints
21.19 Ipsī themselves hērēdēs heirs hereditātem inheritance dīvidunt divide
21.20 Ex from ipsō itself testāmentō will lēgāta bequests solvuntur are paid
21.21 Ipsās themselves rēs things pretiōsās precious servī slaves custōdiunt guard
21.22 In in ipsā itself cūriā court testāmentum will aperitur is opened
21.23 Ipsī themselves tūtōrēs guardians bonōrum of goods cūram care gerunt carry
21.24 Ipsīus of himself voluntātem will omnēs all sequuntur follow
21.25 Ex from ipsō itself diē day mortis of death computātur is calculated tempus time
21.26 Ipsās themselves tabellās tablets praetor praetor īnspicit inspects et and probat approves
21.27 Ipsōrum of themselves testium of witnesses testimōniō by testimony rēs matter cōnfirmātur is confirmed
21.28 In in ipsō itself locō place sacellī of shrine testāmentum will condēbātur was stored
21.29 Ipsā itself lēge by law hereditās inheritance trānsfertur is transferred
21.30 Ad to ipsum himself pontificem pontiff quaestiō question dēfertur is brought
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Part B (Complete Natural Sentences)
21.16 Testātor ipse testāmentum scrībit et signat. The testator himself writes and seals the will.
21.17 Sigillum ipsum quīnque testēs recognōscunt. Five witnesses recognize the seal itself.
21.18 Mātrōna ipsa fīlium hērēdem īnstituit. The matron herself appoints her son as heir.
21.19 Hērēdēs ipsī hereditātem dīvidunt. The heirs themselves divide the inheritance.
21.20 Ex testāmentō ipsō lēgāta solvuntur. The bequests are paid from the will itself.
21.21 Rēs pretiōsās ipsās servī custōdiunt. The slaves guard the precious things themselves.
21.22 Testāmentum in cūriā ipsā aperitur. The will is opened in the court itself.
21.23 Tūtōrēs ipsī bonōrum cūram gerunt. The guardians themselves take care of the goods.
21.24 Voluntātem ipsīus omnēs sequuntur. All follow his own will.
21.25 Tempus ex ipsō diē mortis computātur. The time is calculated from the very day of death.
21.26 Tabellās ipsās praetor īnspicit et probat. The praetor inspects and approves the tablets themselves.
21.27 Testimōniō testium ipsōrum rēs cōnfirmātur. The matter is confirmed by the testimony of the witnesses themselves.
21.28 Testāmentum in ipsō locō sacellī condēbātur. The will was stored in the very place of the shrine.
21.29 Ipsā lēge hereditās trānsfertur. The inheritance is transferred by the law itself.
21.30 Quaestiō ad ipsum pontificem dēfertur. The question is brought to the pontiff himself.
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Part C (Latin Text Only)
21.16 Testātor ipse testāmentum scrībit et signat.
21.17 Sigillum ipsum quīnque testēs recognōscunt.
21.18 Mātrōna ipsa fīlium hērēdem īnstituit.
21.19 Hērēdēs ipsī hereditātem dīvidunt.
21.20 Ex testāmentō ipsō lēgāta solvuntur.
21.21 Rēs pretiōsās ipsās servī custōdiunt.
21.22 Testāmentum in cūriā ipsā aperitur.
21.23 Tūtōrēs ipsī bonōrum cūram gerunt.
21.24 Voluntātem ipsīus omnēs sequuntur.
21.25 Tempus ex ipsō diē mortis computātur.
21.26 Tabellās ipsās praetor īnspicit et probat.
21.27 Testimōniō testium ipsōrum rēs cōnfirmātur.
21.28 Testāmentum in ipsō locō sacellī condēbātur.
21.29 Ipsā lēge hereditās trānsfertur.
21.30 Quaestiō ad ipsum pontificem dēfertur.
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Part D (Grammar Explanation with Examples from Testament Context)
Legal Formula Patterns:
Opening formulas with ipse emphasizing testator authority
Example: "Testātor ipse" establishes official capacity
Use in witness clauses: "testēs ipsī"
Formal closing formulas with ipse
Testament-specific Uses:
Identifying original documents: "ipsum testāmentum"
Marking official seals: "ipsum sigillum"
Designating proper authorities: "ipse praetor"
Referencing specific locations: "in ipsō locō"
Inheritance Terms with ipse:
Emphasizing heir status: "hērēs ipse"
Marking property transfers: "ipsa hereditās"
Identifying guardians: "ipsī tūtōrēs"
Specifying bequests: "ipsum lēgātum"
Temporal Expressions:
Marking crucial dates: "ex ipsō diē"
Indicating execution time: "ipsō tempore"
Specifying deadlines: "ad ipsum diem"
Authentication Language:
Witness formulas: "testēs ipsī"
Seal verification: "ipsum sigillum"
Official approval: "ipsā auctōritāte"
Document validation: "ipsae tabellae"
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